
3 years ago I got engaged to Brendan on an island off of the coast of Cambodia, it was then we decided we wanted to have an extended honeymoon once we got married and travel for 2 years.

We have currently been traveling for 6 months including living on 3 islands of Hawai’i for 2 and a half months.

Now we are exploring the mainland U.S.A whilst living out of our van “Vinnie” (short for “Vincent Van Gogh” as my cousin Andy said if the van breaks down we can shout “Van GO!”)

Although my Husband likes to claim he is retired (He wishes), one of the biggest road blocks for everyone is having enough money to travel with. This is why we decided to start this blog, to help others on their adventures to find ways of doing what they want to as cheaply as possible.

I hope you find some information, tips or hints in this useful before your next adventure, because without the help we have received from people our dream would have never happened.